Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Things i wont forget about london and paris

So the past week and a half has left my memories, both good and bad of London and Paris that i would like to share with you....

1) the wounded soldiers, never ask for a regular beer you must clarify you want a COLD beer.
2) looking left instead of right, and vise versa, even being there 4 days i never got used to it.
3) obviously the sites, favorite was the tower of london at night
4) i met all different kinds of people, from all over. someone from australia, someone from ireland, someone from north korea. the diversity is something that was very unexpected.
5) the pound, ohhh the pound. when you want to get a burger fries and a beer it ends up being 20 pounds, not that bad huh, well when you convert that to us dollars, its like a 40 dollar meal! the good thing in paris is that they have to show their prices in the window or outside, that way you know what ur getting urself into.

1) the metro they have is unbelieveable. over 200 stops in the city. i mean almost every other corner there is a metro stop. parisons are lazy!
2) paris at night is much better than paris at day, mainly because there are no people to bother you asking you if you want to buy a flashing neon eiffel tower, or someone coming up to you asking if you speak english, and when you say yes they show you this post card of how their mom abonded them and they are living with 10 people, seriously that is what the first post card i read said, from then on whenever someone asked if i speak english i shake my head no.
3) the taxi drivers here drive mercedes and jettas. i mean i wouldnt mind moving to paris to be a driver is i get to drive one of those, it sure beats the neon :)
4) i now know why they call this the city of love, every where i turn theres a couple making out, or gazing into eachothers eyes...blah blah blah...gross gross gross. if i knew enough french i would say get a room!
5) the mcdonalds here, i walked into one just to see if it was any different, and to my suprise it was! they have the usual big mac, chicken nuggets (which lexie by the way after you told me what they are made of, i have looked at them so differently) and burgers, but what they do have that is different are steak fries and they have this oriental burger. they also serve tarter sauce and mayo with everything instead of ketchup...a true dissapointment to me.
6) crepes seem to be the food of paris. if you ever come here get a natella chocolate crepe, they are to die for. also tried a croque monsiuer.keri recommended i try this. it was very good, its like a grilled chees and ham except the cheese is on the top of the sandwich and the ham is in the middle.
7) one would get lost if they ever ventured off. there are so many roads in paris, i.e. small alley ways. and its not like nice alley ways either! they each have their own name, if you were to take one wrong turn it would take 20 minutes just to get back to where you started.

im sure i will think of more but all in all so far its been a good trip. met many people and discovered and seen a lot of things, cant wait for my next destination. au revoir!


Shaun and Erin Combs said...

Hey Girl! You crack me up. Every time I read a posting I laugh. I am glad you are enjoying yourself. This is a once in a life time experience and you are doing it. I am so jealous. Will you be visiting any small towns/villages off the map? I miss you. Love - Erin

Anonymous said...

These blogs are written as if we were a fly sitting on your brain. It's stream of consciousness and totally you. It's good to know we can tell when you loved something and disliked something. How is the biking riding in Brugges? When do you see the tulips? Make sure to take pics. You aren't missing anything at home except for my orange cremecile room. Yes, we had a painting faux paus. It's hideous.

Kelly Campbell said...

erin: off road towns are not yet on the map. im taking a bike from brugges around for a day tomorrow so maybe stop in towns/villages along the way. there is a beach so maybe if the weather is nice, which it should be i can get some sun...get ready for your wedding :)
ker: im seeing the tulips prob on tuesday. i am staying in brugges (which by the way im loving right now). then im headed to brussels for a night and leaving for holland on monday night. DONT WORRY there will be plenty of pictures :) sorry to hear about the orange wall, what happened to green???
miss you guys, love you.